Michael was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on March 15, 1964, and frequently talks about his loneliness as a child. He claims to be of English, Irish, Scottish and German ancestry. He claims to have been a child star on the program Fundle Bundle, but this was later proven to be false. He was hired as a salesman at Dunder Mifflin on May 6, 1992 and proved to be extremely effective, which resulted in him being promoted to regional manager. Despite being a successful salesman, Michael is shown to be an incompetent manager and tries to inject his personal feelings into the work environment, and has few relationships outside the office. He overestimates the importance of his co-workers, and can't understand why they're not enjoying themselves, as he believes an office is a "place where dreams come true." Despite this, Michael genuinely cares for his employees and tries to help them when they have problems. Michael constantly desires to be at the center of attention, which result in him being slightly selfish. For example, when he breaks his leg in the episode "The Injury", he expects Pam Beesly and Ryan Howard to tend to his every need, despite Dwight Schrute's more serious concussion. When invited to be an usher at Phyllis Vance's wedding, he believes himself to be the main act of the event and gets upset when he is upstaged by Phyllis's elderly father. Michael is irresponsible at finances, and at one point was so heavily in debt that he had to take a second job as a telemarketer. Oscar Martinez creates a chart of Michael's spending habits, and chides him for spending money on things "nobody ever needs", like multiple magic sets and a set of fishing equipment. Eventually, Michael is forced to declare bankruptcy (which he only thinks requires standing up and saying "I declare bankruptcy!"). Due to his overall lack of common sense, Michael is frequently abused by his peers and is the butt of many jokes, and takes offense when he realizes he's being wronged. Similarly, he tends to unintentionally offend people, but will usually apologize when he realizes he has insulted someone, notably in the episode "Gay Witch Hunt", when he realizes that the term "f*ggy" hurt Oscar's feelings. Even though he is generally oblivious to criticism, Michael has limits to his patience, and leaves to question the extent of the offense he can acknowledge. In the episode "The Meeting", it is revealed that Michael doesn't care for the betterment for his employees or himself, believing it would put his job at jeopardy, and turns down a promotion that would put Jim in his position, and sabotages him with a bad recommendation because he believes he'll get fired if Jim is promoted. He eventually gives Jim a co-manager position to avoid losing him.
After leaving Dunder Mifflin, Michael is appointed to be the Director of Paper Distribution for the Department of Natural Resources in Boulder, Colorado.
Pam talking to the camera people
Pam Halpert
Pamela Morgan "Pam" Halpert (née Beesly; born March 25, 1979) is a fictional character on The Office, played by Jenna Fischer. Her counterpart in the original UK series of The Office is Dawn Tinsley. Her character is initially the receptionist at the paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin, before becoming a saleswoman and eventually office administrator until she left in the series finale. Her character is shy, growing assertive but amiable, and artistically inclined, and shares a romantic interest with Jim Halpert, whom she begins dating in the fourth season, and eventually, marries and starts a family with as the series continues.
Dwight Schrute
Dwight posing
Dwight Kurt Schrute III (born January 20, 1970) is a fictional character on The Office portrayed by Rainn Wilson. He is one of the highest-ranking salesmen as well as assistant to the regional manager (disputed)[1] at the paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin. Additionally, he is a bed-and-breakfast proprietor at Schrute Farms, a beet plantation owner, and an owner of the business park in which Dunder Mifflin exists. He is notorious for his lack of social skills and common sense, his love for martial arts and the justice system, and his office rivalry with fellow salesman Jim Halpert. He is also known for his romantic relationship with Angela Martin, head of the accounting department. He has at times risen to the position of acting Branch Manager of the Scranton branch, but often serves as a second or third in command as Assistant (to the) Regional Manager. While Dwight was a regional manager in the last few episodes of the series, he named himself the Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager (A.A.R.M). Dwight was also the Vice President of Special Projects Development for the Sabre Corporation, which was the parent company of Dunder Mifflin at the time, but was soon replaced by Todd Packer, who was almost immediately terminated. In the final season, Dwight is offered the position of permanent Regional Manager.
Jim Halpert
Jim, totally done with the situation
James "Jim" Halpert (born October 1, 1978) is a fictional character in the U.S. version of the television sitcom The Office, portrayed by John Krasinski. The character is based on Tim Canterbury from the original version of The Office. The character is also named after a childhood friend of executive producer Greg Daniels. He is introduced as a sales representative at the Scranton branch of paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin, before temporarily transferring to the Stamford branch in the third season. Upon the merger of Scranton and Stamford branches, he becomes Assistant Regional Manager, and later co-manager alongside Michael Scott during the sixth-season episode arc from "The Promotion" to "Manager and Salesman". His character serves as the intelligent, mild-mannered straight man role to Michael, although it is also defined by a rivalrous pranking on fellow salesman Dwight Schrute and a romantic interest in receptionist Pam Beesly, whom he begins dating in the fourth season, marries in the sixth, and has children with in the sixth and eighth. Jim's coworker, Andy Bernard, often calls him by the nickname "Big Tuna".
Creed Braton
Creed grinning
Creed Bratton (claims to have been born November 1, 1925)[1]is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. Confusion may arise from the fact that the character is played by and partially based on musician of the same name, Creed Bratton. Unlike most characters of this version of The Office, he has no equivalent in the original BBC series despite sharing similar lines in the pilot episode with the character of Malcolm. B.J. Novak has said that the actual Creed Bratton is exactly like the character he plays, except that the real Creed is a good-hearted and likable person, while his fictional alter ego has a very dark side to him.
Angela Martin
Angela frowning
Angela Noelle Schrute (née Martin, formerly Lipton) is a fictional character played by Angela Kinsey. She is head of the Accounting department at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. She can often be cold and stern with others. Angela loves cats and owned several of them. In addition to heading the accounting department, Angela is also the office safety officer and former head of the Party Planning Committee. She is a constant source of complaints to Human Resources, although she "redacts" those lodged against Dwight Schrute on the onset of their secret romance. Angela lives with several cats, adores posters of infants posed as adults, is a vegetarian, and enjoys singing occasionally. When she makes a mistake, Angela's first response is usually to shift the blame to someone else, along with an insult.
Kevin Malone
Kevin smiling for the camera
Kevin is of Irish descent as stated in "The Podcast” and did not grow up around Scranton, as stated in "The Delivery". Kevin received a job as an accountant at Dunder Mifflin after applying for a job in the warehouse because Michael Scott had "a feeling about him."[2] Kevin was engaged to a woman named Stacey, who has a daughter named Abby. Stacey was the fourth woman to whom Kevin proposed, but the first to say yes, and he was very happy, though he secretly considered her a second choice to one of the other women, Melissa Riley. Little is known about Stacey, although she may have been seen as the woman who was Kevin's date in the second-season episode "The Dundies".[3] He has a sister who lives nearby him as shown in a deleted scene from Andy's Play, as well as a mother who recently has become incapable of living by herself and needs to be put in a home.
Toby Flenderson
Toby Smiling for the camera
Toby H. Flenderson[1] (born February 22, 1963) is a fictional character in The Office played by Paul Lieberstein. Prior to his termination in the series finale, he was the Human Resources Representative at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin/Sabre. He is generally soft-spoken and mild-mannered. Toby possesses a master's degree in social work from Temple University as seen in Counseling. The frame is crooked in the shot. In Season 4, Episode 2, a diploma is visible in Toby's cubicle that reads "California Coastal College, BSc in Psychology, Toby Flenderson", as well as a bumper sticker from Penn State University.